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The PEPA PAC is a voluntary political action committee committed to improving and protecting the poultry industry in California. The PAC FAQ is located below, and the application/contribution form is available here.


THE PACIFIC EGG & POULTRY ASSOCIATION POLITICAL ACTION COMMITTEE (PEPA PAC) is a voluntary political action committee committed to improving and protecting the shell egg and poultry industries in California. Banding together as an industry, we make a united effort to obtain better government through education and political action.


  1. To promote and strive for the improvement of government by encouraging and stimulating members of the industry, and others, to take a more active and effective part in state and local governmental affairs.

  2. To encourage members of the poultry industry, and others, to understand the nature and actions of their government.

  3. To assist members of the industry, and others, to organize themselves for more effective political action, and for carrying our their other civic responsibilities.

  4. To finance political efforts supporting California legislative and constitutional officeholders, candidates (but not Federal officeholders, candidates or committees) that benefit the public by improving and protecting California Agribusiness.

WHY JOIN PEPA PAC? There is an urgent need to establish and maintain our industry as a strong, concerned and active political force. When you join PEPA PAC, you help assure your industry's involvement in the decision-making process. The quality and nature of laws, rules and regulations affecting your business and your pocketbook are determined by elected officials. Your contribution through PEPA PAC membership, when combined with many others, can affect who is elected - who will write the laws.

PEPA PAC will financially assist candidates who demonstrate a realistic approach to solving the problems of our industry and its related businesses.

There is strength in numbers. A contribution from PEPA PAC speaks for our industry. Elected officials seldom overlook a large, well-informed constituency.

WHO ADMINISTERS PEPA PAC? A 4-member Executive Committee, consisting of industry representatives, has supervision of and control over the activities and funds of PEPA PAC.

HOW ARE PEPA PAC FUNDS USED? Contributions received by PEPA PAC are used for support of candidates, political information and education services, and operational expenses of the committee.

PEPA PAC's primary financial support is given to state legislative candidates.

WHO MAY CONTRIBUTE TO PEPA PAC? Individuals, partnerships, and corporations may contribute since PEPA PAC is a political committee registered with the State of California.

ARE CONTRIBUTIONS DEDUCTIBLE? Contributions to PEPA PAC are not tax deductible.

MUST I REPORT CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE PEPA PAC? Dues and contributions to the PEPA PAC are reported by PEPA PAC as required by the Political Reform Act of 1974, as amended. No report need be filed by any PEPA PAC contributor unless the total contributions to all state and/or local candidates, ballot measures and/or political action committees in California is $10,000 or more (unless the contributor is otherwise qualified as a committee under the Political Reform Act of 1974, as amended). This is not a request for a contribution in excess of $500.

MEMBERSHIP IN PEPA PAC Annual contributors shall be members of PEPA PAC upon receipt of their membership application and contribution form and approval of the Executive Committee.

To join PEPA PAC, print out and complete the Membership Application and Contribution Form and mail it with your check to:

1521 I Street
Sacramento, CA 95814

If you have any questions, please call us at (916)441-0801.

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Phone: (916) 441-0801      Fax: (916) 446-1063      E-mail:

PEPA - Pacific Egg and Poultry Association PEPA - Pacific Egg and Poultry Association