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Foundation News

Hear Ye! Hear Ye!

For those of you who have students or know students that are attending the following educational institutions: California Polytechnic State University at San Luis Obispo, California State University, Fresno, Modesto Junior College, Oregon State University, University of California at Davis or any other institution in the western United States and Canada and are enrolled in or plan to enroll full-time in a field of agriculture related to the poultry industry please notify them of the possibility of receiving a scholarship. Last year 17 students were recipients of scholarship stipends ranging from $1,750  to $3,000. Students may access the scholarship application online at the following website address: Click on the Scholarship link and download the application. Deadline for the application to be recieved in the PEPA office is November 10, 2021.


Dear Educator:

The Western Poultry Scholarship & Research Foundation is again offering scholarships to both college students and high school graduates who are either enrolled in or plan to enroll full-time in a field of agriculture related to the poultry industry. Eligible fields of study include: Avian Biology, Food Technology, Agricultural Economics, Agricultural Engineering, or Veterinary Medicine.

The Western Poultry Scholarship & Research Foundation Program is designed to interest and encourage capable young people to enter the poultry industry. The program is funded through generous contributions from members of the poultry and egg industry. It is our belief that everyone benefits from this program. The students receive assistance toward their chosen goal and the industry receives the new talent needed to remain competitive in today's food marketplace.

Please advise qualified students that they may download both scholarship as well as Merit award applications from the PEPA website located at  Please note the application deadline for scholarship applications is November 10, 2021 -- applications received after this date will not be considered. The application deadline for Merit award applications is November 10, 2021. In addition, please be advised that eligible students must be enrolled full-time and must attend a college or university located in the states of Alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado, Hawaii, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, Oregon, Utah, Washington and the western provinces of Canada.

It is our sincere feeling that you are the key to the success of this program. Without your continued cooperation, the Western Poultry Scholarship and Research Foundation could not have obtained its present degree of success. Thank you for your assistance in this endeavor.


Kim Hernandez, President
Western Poultry Scholarship & Research Foundation



Advisor's Written Evaluation Guidelines

To Whom It May Concern:

As you are aware, the advisor's written evaluation is an important part of the student scholarship application package. The recently amended scholarship review process has made it necessary that the written evaluation include specific information relative to the individual student applicant. Listed below is a list of criterion that we ask you to address in your evaluation.

  • Real Financial Need in relationship to existing support
  • Current Employment Status including poultry related work
  • Poultry Curriculum (classes taken or scheduled to be taken)
  • Career Path (will this student have a likely career somehow related to poultry)

We believe that these requirements will allow the members of the review committee to judge the pool of applicants on a more equitable basis.

Additionally, please remind the student that the application is due by November 10, 2021, and must be filled out in its entirety, including an evaluation letter and an official transcript. We are also requiring that the applicant use the 2021-2022 scholarship application form posted on the PEPA website located at

The completeness of the application (grammar and punctuation will also be considered) will be incorporated as a scoring component. Accordingly the Review Committee will award points based on the final product.

We certainly appreciate your assistance with the scholarship process and your work with student scholars. If you have any questions about the written evaluation please contact me at 916.441-0801.

Best regards,

Debbie Murdock

Scholarship Coordinator





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